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dogodek Odvetniške družbe Rojs, Peljhan, Prelesnik & partnerji, o.p., d.o.o. v sodelovanju s Stalno arbitražo pri Gospodarski zbornici Slovenije



Kdaj:   2. 6. 2022

Kje:     uHOTEL, Miklošičeva cesta 3, Ljubljana, Salon Iris

Kdo:    pravniki iz gospodarstva, mednarodno usmerjeni podjetniki in predstavniki državnih institucij, odvetniki, izvedenci


Izvedenci lahko igrajo odločilno vlogo v gospodarski arbitraži, ne glede na to, ali svetujejo strankam v zakulisju ali pa so angažirani kot neodvisni strokovnjaki v arbitražnih postopkih. V obeh primerih se bo stranka zanašala na njihovo mnenje, da bi arbitražni senat prepričala o utemeljenosti (oz. pomanjkljivostih) zahtevka, pravilnosti izračuna višine zahtevka, zamud, pravilnem razumevanju tujega prava itn. Tudi arbitražni senat bo za odločitev v sporu nemalokrat potreboval neodvisno mnenje izvedenca o vprašanjih, ki so onkraj strokovnega znanja arbitrov. V številnih primerih bo zato izid postopka odvisen od prepričljivosti mnenja izvedencev. Na dogodku bodo priznani strokovnjaki prikazali praktične izzive povezane z uporabo izvedencev ter načine, kako optimirati njihovo uporabno vrednost v arbitraži.



Prihod udeležencev, registracija, kava



Uvodni nagovor

mag. Marko Djinović, generalni sekretar LAC



Primerjava izvedenca v sodnem postopku in v arbitraži

Ana Grabnar Crnčec, LLM (RPPP)



Omizje: Kako lahko izvedenec vpliva na izid spora? 360-stopinjski pogled

Moderatorja: mag. Marko Djinović (LAC) in David Premelč (RPPP)

Peter Rižnik, Konrad Partners (Dunaj), arbiter

Jiŕi Urban, Director, Risk Consulting – Forensic, KPMG Češka republika

John Wilkinson, EY Global Transaction Forensics and Integrity Diligence Leader, Praga

Luka Stopar, vodja pravne službe v Litostroj Power d.o.o.

V okviru okrogle mize bo zagotovljen tudi čas za postavljanje vprašanj in komentarjev s strani občinstva.

Omizje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku.


Kosilo in mreženje



Kotizacije ni. Prijave sprejemamo do zapolnitve mest na spodnji povezavi.






Odvetniška družbe Rojs, Peljhan, Prelesnik & partnerji, o.p., d.o.o.

Ana Grabnar Crnčec is a partner who specialises in litigation and arbitration. She represents domestic and foreign companies before state courts, administrative bodies and tribunals in domestic and international disputes as well as in interim relief proceedings. She recently successfully represented a Slovenian turbine manufacturer in a multimillion ICC arbitration seated in Singapore. She also advises on national and international commercial and contract, labour law and environmental law. Ana joined RPPP in 2008 after completing her Master of Laws degree at the University of Ljubljana. She holds an LLM degree in International Business Regulation, Litigation and Arbitration from NYU School of Law.


mag. Marko DJINOVIĆ
Stalna arbitraža pri Gospodarski zbornici Slovenije

mag. Marko Djinović is Secretary General of the Ljubljana Arbitration Centre at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (the LAC) where he is responsible for the management of work for the LAC and overseeing day-to-day administration of disputes referred to the LAC. Marko has been involved in several international and domestic arbitrations. He is also Senior Expert Advisor to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), National Committee of Slovenia and an active member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR (2012-present). Marko is a visiting lecturer at the Faculties of Law in Ljubljana and Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Management, where he teaches arbitration and ADR and founder of the Slovenian Arbitration Review.


Odvetniška družbe Rojs, Peljhan, Prelesnik & partnerji, o.p., d.o.o.

David Premelč je partner v Odvetniški družbi Rojs, Peljhan, Prelesnik & Partnerji iz Ljubljane. Pri svojem delu se največ ukvarja z mednarodnimi arbitražnimi spori in z gospodarskim pravom, zlasti z domačimi in čezmejnimi prevzemi in združitvami (M&A). David je zastopal in svetoval strankam v mednarodnih arbitražah s sedežem v Washingtonu, Parizu, Ženevi, Zürichu, Beogradu, Ljubljani in na Dunaju po arbitražnih pravilih Mednarodnega centra za reševanje investicijskih sporov (ICSID), Mednarodne trgovinske zbornice (ICC), Komisije Združenih narodov za mednarodno trgovinsko pravo (UNCITRAL) in Stalne arbitraže pri Gospodarski zbornici Slovenije. David redno objavlja v domačih in mednarodnih strokovnih publikacijah in predava na domačih in mednarodnih strokovnih konferencah.


Konrad Partners, Dunaj

Peter Rižnik serves as counsel and arbitrator with Konrad Partners, an international arbitration boutique firm in Vienna. His practice focuses on international investment and commercial arbitration, with past experience in public international law and law of outer space. He represents clients in a variety of international arbitrations, covering a wide range of industries. He also advises clients on issues of conflict of laws and international enforcement of arbitration awards.
He is a member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR and an Expert Advisor to the ICC’s National Committee of Slovenia. He has recently started a two-year term as a global co-director of the Mentoring Programme of Young International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA).
Peter regularly serves as arbitrator in international commercial cases and has vast experience serving also as secretary to arbitral tribunals in the past.
Peter has been named Future Leader by GAR’s Who's Who Legal since 2019 and has been listed among thirteen most highly regarded arbitral arbitration practitioners under 45 (non-partners) in the region of Europe, Middle East and Africa.


Vodja pravne službe, Litostroj Power d.o.o.

Luka Stopar dela kot Vodja pravne službe v družbi Litostroj Power d.o.o. Pri svojem delu se največ ukvarja z gospodarskim pravom, zlasti z obvladovanjem rizikov na domačih in mednarodnih pogodbah ter v domačih in mednarodnih pravnih postopkih. Luka je koordiniral in vodil delo treh odvetniških družb v arbitražnem sporu s sedežem v Singapurju po arbitražnih pravilih Mednarodne trgovinske zbornice (ICC). Prav tako pri vsakdanjem delu uporablja in so mu poznana tudi arbitražna pravila Stalne arbitraže pri Gospodarski zbornici Slovenije, Arbitražnega centra Zvezne gospodarske zbornice Avstrije, Stalne arbitraže pri Hrvaški gospodarski zbornici in pravila Mednarodnega arbitražnega centra Singapur (SIAC).


Director, Risk Consulting – Forensic, KPMG Češka republika

Jiří (Jirka) Urban leads the KPMG dispute advisory practice in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). With over 19 years of international experience in forensic services, Jiří focuses mainly on expert witness work for clients involved in litigation or arbitration. Jiří finds quantum expert witness work exciting, and especially enjoys exploring the specifics of the particular business, investment or trade relationship, as well as engaging with the arguments put forward by the opposing party’s expert. Jiří is a court-certified expert in the Czech Republic and regularly testifies in hearings. With both accounting and legal background, he is well-placed to support the instructing legal counsel and to bridge the gap between the worlds of finance and law.


EY Global Transaction Forensics and Integrity Diligence Leader, Praga

John Wilkinson joined EY in January 2019 from PwC, where he started his career in 1987. John has over 27 years of experience in leading major, complex, investigations and regulatory compliance assignments globally, in particular in the financial services, energy and industrial products sectors. He has been a “Big 4“ Forensics Partner for the past 21 years, based in London, Zurich, Moscow, Dubai and (now) Prague and has led forensics assignments across the UK, Continental Europe, Middle East, Russia and CIS, Asia (China, Japan & SE Asia), the USA and the Caribbean.
John has testified on numerous occasions before both court and tribunals in investigations and dispute matters, and has been appointed as an independent accounting expert or expert determinator on over 80 commercial disputes. As the EY global and regional leader for Transaction Forensics John, together with his teams, advises organisations on integrity, compliance and contractual accounting challenges (and opportunities) across all aspects of transactions. These can be both contentious and non-contentious, as well as in the context.


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